EMAN Research Laboratory is located in the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University Science Malaysia on the island of Penang.
EMAN focuses on early discovery of compounds that have potential anti-cancer activity and agents that perturb the angiogenesis pathways. The latter has wide variety of disease application including rheumatoid arthritis, diabetic blindness; age related macular degeneration, obesity, Alzheimer and cancer.
EMAN provides testing services for in vitro and in vivo tumor and angiogenesis model as a proof of concept for test compound pharmacological activity validation. The testing facility includes a 2000 sq ft state-of-the are clean room facility that improves the quality of the testing services.
EMAN aims to provide its services to the local industries in Malaysia to facilitate the development of new drugs. EMAN also provides in vitro testing services for cytotoxic testing and mutagenicity testing according to ASTM methods.