On 6th and 7th of August 2009, a workshop on Bioreactor Operation was held in Physiology Teaching Laboratory, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia. The workshop was organized by Pharmacology and Physiology Department, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences; USM in collaboration with Intran Technologies Sdn. Bhd. Intran Technologies Sdn. Bhd. is the company who supplied and maintained the bioreactor unit owned by the school.
15 participants whom were postgraduate students from School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Biological Sciences, INFORMM and also Malaysian Institute of Pharmaceuticals and Nutraceuticals (iPHARM) participated in the two days workshop. In addition, there were 5 staffs from Intran Technologies Sdn. Bhd., who joined the workshop. The facilitator of the workshop was Mr. Mohd Rizal, a bioprocess expert from Universiti Putra Malaysia.
The workshop conducted involved lectures of theories and explanation regarding the bioreactor unit and components and their respective functions. The facilitator also conducted the workshop in laboratory session, to give deeper explanation about the bioreactor unit and its components to the participants, so as to increase participants’ understanding regarding the theories given in lectures. The facilitator did also show the basic operation of the bioreactor unit during the laboratory session. The bioreactor unit used in this workshop was of 3L working capacity. The bioreactor unit used as the model for this workshop is the unit which is currently located in Immunopharmacology Laboratory (J02-119).